Sexual Dysfunction Advisory Council and Training(簡稱Taiwan SDACT)。
Erectile Dysfunction Advisory Council and Training(簡稱Taiwan EDACT)。委員會成立之背景是由於當時勃起功能障礙之治療方式獲得重大的突破,即口服用藥的發展被証實具有令人滿意的療效,勃起功能障礙的治療也因此頓時成為全民關心的議題。許多勃起功能障礙的民眾因為治療方式方便性的提高而願意出來求診,可供民眾求診和諮詢的對象也不再像以前只侷限於泌尿專科醫師,而可由其他科的醫師來共同分擔,因此本會的委員組成除了以泌尿專科醫師為骨幹為,更遍邀其他相關科別如家醫科、精神科、婦產科、復健科、大腸直腸科、內分泌及老人醫學科等之專科醫師來共同組成。
The Taiwan Sexual Dysfunction Advisory Council and Training is
established to promote public education and training programs related to
sexual dysfunction in Taiwan.
The Council aims to improve the quality of life for sexual dysfunction
sufferers via publicity, education and training activities. The sharing
of experience and information will be achieved through discussion of the
problems encountered in managing sexual dysfunction in relevant fields.
The Council will be helping doctors in related specialties to manage
sexual dysfunction as well as educating patients to have a better
understanding of sexual dysfunction, which will encourage them to seek
help, improve their quality of life and enhance harmony between the
The Council will become an abundant, reliable educational resource for
the general public, patients and medical personnel in the field of
sexual dysfunction in Taiwan.
To provide correct understanding of sexual dysfunction for the general public.
To provide appropriate medical treatment for current and potential sexual dysfunction sufferers.
To promote awareness, understanding and acceptance of sexual dysfunction among medical personnel.
To support research and education related to sexual dysfunction./font>